
green skull with bones rotating


green skull with bones rotating

¡Ir a la versión en español!

This is the virtual reflection of our Secret Headquarters, our special place to meet secretly, plan secret plans and do secret things. It is also a halfway point between the Three Portals Universe (or U3P for short) and all the other universes, so it is pretty comfy for us.

button with flashing red light

More than a decade ago our paths crossed and, as a result of an unexpected adventure rescuing an egg with a face, we ended up founding our collective, which we call " Starfish". We are travelers and dreamers, and we make art, mess, and also art-mess. But mostly we travel around the U3P and watch each other's backs.

Come in and feel at home. Our secrets are your secrets.

danger sign

This space is guarded by a somewhat ill-tempered red dragoness named Zandi.

red dragon walking green light divider

Interdimensional Mail Service

gif animado de una antena verde girando

If you are interested in discovering how it works, we invite you to explore the Lost Garden by clicking on the portal below:

animated gif of a gate opening and closing


green light divider

Travel Guide to the Universe of the Three Portals

green book rotating

We are currently working on a series of zines that will serve as a guide to explore the U3P, with the safety measures we learned along the way, tips, places of interest to visit, and anything else that comes to mind. At the moment it is available (free online, or printed not free) the first volume in Spanish and English by clicking below:

retro computer showing a skull with bones and red light


green light divider

Coming Soon

We are preparing this space to organize all the information we have about the U3P. Also, as we are continually exploring, we will be updating and adding things as we learn and discover them.

We hope you enjoy your exploration!

sign that says 'under construction'

Remember to always have the Beetle Key at hand to explore this universe.

beetle key glitching

Thank you for reading us.

Buen viaje (((o(*°▽°*)o)))

green ballbright green beetle walkinggreen ball