Who is Anonymous?

Anon probably wants to know that too. All we know for sure about them is that they don't remember much, something weird happened to their memory. They are one of the original members of the Starfish Collective, they were there when we recovered the egg....

Maybe it has something to do with their species (I'm inclined to believe it has more to do with their culture), and with the age they were when they first came to the U3P. Anon was the first human of the collective and, moreover, they arrived when they were a child. It seems that either the U3P or the experience of traveling did something strange to their still delicate mind, and they forgot their own name, that's why we all call them "Anonymous", or Anon for short.

The thing goes beyond that, for several years we lost sight of them... and one day someone from the collective crossed their path. They were completely convinced that they belonged to the U3P, they did not remember that they were a traveler who originally came from Earth. Of course they also didn't remember us, the Starfish Collective, even though they were one of the founding members. So, upset as they were, and very slowly, they began to remember. They remembered friends and loved ones they left behind on Earth, and is doing their best to remember and reconnect with them. No one knows what they will want to do, having already built their life in this other universe... It is very unusual to have stayed for so long, usually we travelers come and go, return to our native universe, and leave again, that's why we are called "travelers" and not "people who move to another place".

If you ask me, I would say that the dominant culture you now have on Earth is, to say the least, quite mediocre, for its extraordinary lack of education in these matters; I am not surprised that an offspring of your species, dragged into an experience so foreign to the customs you consider normal, has ended up like this. But to you I am just a nosy alien from a collective of dreamers.